Our chapter is excited to announce the launch of our new website. Over the last few months, our Vice President of Communications and the AVC Vice President of Relations have been working to customize our website and post relevant content. We hope this will become the place that you will go to with all of your chapter needs.
Chapter Sites were fundraised for through the Hoop of Steel Society in 2016 at the Carlson Leadership Academy. Through donations of $19.01 by several undergraduate men, Chapter Sites are officially launched and ready for use this year!
Chapter Sites will help our chapter with three core areas of operation: recruitment, outreach, and fundraising. Through user-friendly referral and membership interest forms, as well as a centralized location to collect Balanced Man Scholarship applications, potential new members will be able to easily express interest in joining the fraternity and learn more about who to contact for more information.
Because Chapter Sites are built on the popular WordPress blogging platform, our chapter and AVC will be able to make blog posts and articles relevant to all of our audiences. Here, we will highlight alumni spotlights, undergraduate chapter accomplishments, and the ideal fraternity experience.
And finally, fundraising. Raising money for our brothers to attend the Carlson Leadership Academy, Ruck Leadership Institute and Grand Chapter Conclave has never been easy. Year after year, brothers attend these impactful programs and are required to pay out-of-pocket expenses in order to even attend. We would love the ability for more of our men to experience these programs for years to come.
If you’d like to know more about our website, please contact our Vice President of Communications David Jones at 352-504-5135.